By Dean Malchik, unREVISE Editor

A silhouette of protesters holding up signs. Image produced using Midjourney.
Image produced using Midjourney

Recently, several people have been using the phrase “No Business as Usual” to explain the way some individuals and groups have decided to react to oppression around the world.

unREVISE believes the implementation of this slogan is often exactly what is needed today.

Basically, the phrase means that if a government is committing ethnic cleansing, genocide, torture, intentional starving, mass murder, enslavement of others, etc., we who oppose them will not let them go on with “business [or life] as usual,” but we will instead strive to disrupt their lives and activities through protests, boycotts, strikes, shutdowns, and, in some cases, even destruction of property and sabotage.


Cover image for article about the Abolitionist Benjamin Lay


Photo of Joe Biden. Text says Hello, Dear Friends. I am President Joe Biden, and I have helped the Israeli government murder thousands of kids and babies in Gaza. I am so proud of myself. PLEASE VOTE FOR ME

Illustration representing abolitionist John Brown, who was hanged by the U.S. government.
The Abolitionist John Brown
Indian with war paint wearing a horned cap. Title: War Has Come Again.
War Has Come Again
Artwork titled "Guardian of My People." Image of Apache holding a rifle at night.
“Guardian of My People”
Palestinian man with a boy holding a flag that says "Free Palestine."
“Free Palestine!”