Because many voices in mainstream media, independent media and social media are spreading harmful ideas and negatively influencing minds, more of the right voices are needed. And by “right voices,” I mean those voices that are not sold out to national, corporate or wealthy-donor interests but that are rather concerned with the plight of the poor and oppressed.

A good sign these days is the trend of some groups in the United States, such as younger citizens and Jewish citizens, to be more inclined toward justice than their elders. Many younger citizens and Jewish citizens are bravely standing against the genocide in Gaza and have spoken out against Israel because of that nation’s atrocities against Palestinian civilians. They have boycotted and protested to make their voices heard. In addition, many people in the U.S. are now willing to stand against the country’s major political parties, both of which are failing the nation and the world.

Many people are clearly being affected by the war of words and ideas. However, although some are affected for the good, others are affected for the bad.

Unfortunately, there are also people who have been influenced by MAGA (Make America Great Again) ideas and hypocritical Democrat ideas and still support giving billions to the Israeli government — billions that they know will likely be used in Israel’s genocide against the Palestinians.

So, the war of words continues, and people are being tugged one way or the other. And where they finally land in their ideas matters because, as we know, ideas can lead to actions — sometimes deadly actions, even genocidal actions.

Therefore, even though there are many voices out there, we still need even more to counteract the negative voices of inequality, white supremacy, ultra-nationalism, oppression, barbarity, etc., as the war of words goes on.

People’s opinions can change from day to day, so it’s essential to keep working to influence them. If we rest and let the enemies of justice and equality control the narrative, the minds that are produced and the actions that flow from them could lead to tragedy.

unREVISE is an attempt to add a perspective about history and the news that unrevises the revisions to truth made by the powerful, the victors, and the otherwise influential.

This new voice is generally a more progressive voice. Our general political perspective is closer to the perspectives of Norman Finkelstein, Noam Chomsky, Cornel West, Rashida Tlaib, Bernie Sanders, Howard Zinn and similar thinkers. On some issues, our perspective is even farther left. It generally looks at history and the news from the side of the people rather than the side of governments that are often corrupt.

To support this voice, we are asking like-minded people to help fund us, if you are able. Please help keep this new digital publication alive so that we can overcome some of the voices of division and harm in the world. Perhaps together we can end a war, ensure that an existing war is more just and that the parties abide by the rules of war, or — even better — prevent a war.
